Horse Racing Bonus

Paddy Power: Horse Betting

Betting on horse racing has been one of the biggest attractions for people from different parts of the world. It is one of the oldest gambling types that people plays. You can win money out of it, and if you do not have any idea how it works, you can lose money as well.

Grosvenor Horse Racing Watch and Bet

Winning and losing is the part of the Paddy Power games, and when you are into gambling, you probably know that you will lose more times than you win a bet. That patience and consistency will separate you from other punters. If you can stick to the game, you are going to win sometime. But you need to have the pure patience to beat the odds!


Paddy Power: Horse Betting


On the field, you will find lots of people queuing up and wasting their time by betting on unnecessary horses. It is pure mathematics, and you need to find out the equation to win the jackpot out of it and become a master.



But people do not concentrate on the old records, and they do not try the equation, and in return, they end up losing the money! So, you need to understand the strategy that you need to use to win out of the game. It is your chance to win the game. So, follow the tricks we explain here for your help!


Know the Optimal Betting Theory


If you are willing to win the jackpot in Paddy Power horse betting, you have to understand the optimal betting theory. A percentage of your bankroll must be used as a bet, depending on your edge of the game. Now, what is the edge? There is a simple equation that can tell you what the edge is and upon using it, you will be able to find out the edge.


Paddy Power Horse Betting


You will get the current odds on the field only. Now you need to know the percentage of horses that win the race and the percentage of horses that lose it. Now you need to divide the losing percentage by the odds and substitute the result from the winning percentage. It is your edge of the game.


Keep the Old Records of the Games


Keeping the old records will help you a lot. Once you get the edge, now you have to invest a certain percentage of your bankroll on it. You can invest around 5% on each wager, and you must not increase the amount. It is foolish of you to increase the amount as this will make sure that you are losing more and more money instead of winning it.



If you lose 20 to 25 races continuously, then you are tapped out. Tapping out means, you will never win money out of horse betting, as you do not understand the betting itself. So, try not to be tapped out, and for that, you need to calculate the edge accurately, and you need to invest on the correct horse successfully.


Keep the Bankroll Higher Than the Usual Ones


If you are on a long losing streak and you do not want to invest more money, that doesn’t mean you do not want to lose more. That simply means your bankroll is not capable of playing more and losing more.

While you are out in the betting and gambling world, you need to understand that every day is not your day and you cannot end up winning every bet. You will lose and win sometimes and to make it a sure shot; you have to keep the bankroll 50 to 100 times the unit you are going to bet.

It will make sure, that if you lose one or two bets, which don’t mean you are going to lose again, and it will make sure, that you can bet further and play further.


Ignore the Unnecessary Attractive Games and Bet on Your Instincts


Make sure you know where you can bet and what should be the amount of betting. See you can bet the amount you like, but the more you bet, the more you risk. The more you risk, the chance of winning money is also more! So, you are constantly winning if you know where to invest.


Paddy Power Horse Races


The right amount matters, but the correct place matters more! Find the bookie offering the best bet. See all the bookies will be sitting at the same place. That means it is easy for you to roam around and find which one is profitable in your case. Go for the food amount of odd and the bookie that loses the most!


Learn the Art of Ignoring


Ignoring the attractiveness is something not everyone’s cup of tea. We tend to ignore normal and unattractive things, and we get attracted to the big and good amounts. You need to learn where you have to bet and where you mustn’t. This difference is something you need to learn by heart.

See, people will ask you to invest money, and they will offer amazing odds and amazing prize money. You need to understand the chance you have to win the bet. If your calculations are telling you that this bet are just not done and you have never won it, do not go for it! You will be trapped if you go and invest your money on it.


Use the Handicapping Method


Handicapping method is one of the most popular methods used by lots of punters. You will get books and software to use this method and to master it.

People say, that if you can master this method, you are going to be a winner soon. The biggest task is to understand what is not written there. See if we all bet on the possible winning horse, we all become winners, and this gambling world went into smoke.



So, you need to understand where you have to place the bet and no one will be able to make you understand unless you understand it on your own.

There’s no log book available. If you work hard, you can become a winner in the horse race. Take notes and records of past winners and the past odds. It will help you to identify the winning pattern, and upon betting on that pattern, you will be able to win the jackpot.


Bet on Your Horse