Horse Racing Bonus

Horse Racing: Naps of the Day

For those people, who bet on anything and everything, it is necessary to pick out a particular option that can earn you a huge amount of money at the end of the day and good status in the gambling world.

While picking up a gambling field, people always either goes for football or cricket. They think that these games played in plenty, so you will get lots of chances winning on these games; which is not that wrong, but there are other games too!


Horse Racing: Naps of the Day


You can place a bet on unconventional things like horse racing! Though it is not that rare where people place bets on horse racing, they cannot bank their trust upon this field of gambling more than other associated games.


Find the Accurate Bookie to Have a Winning Streak


Reaching the race course and finding the correct bookie can change the entire scene. On the stand, you will find lots of bookies offering games and different prices.

The positive side is that you are going to get all the prices in your hand and front of you. So, you will be easily choosing the option that goes perfectly with your budget.


Horse Racing Naps Of The Day


Fixing a budget is very important when you are betting on horse racing. Make sure you have proper pricing in your hand.

There are certain bookies available that do not let you walk away with the money, so, they ask you to invest yet again after you win it. It is your talent how to tackle the situation and go out with your winning amount.


In What Price You Should Start Horse Betting?


$2 is the opening amount, and most of the bookies ask for this amount as the initial one. But there are only a few people available that will ask you to pay more and bet more.

Even if you have thousands of dollars in your hand, the best thing you may do is that start your bet exactly with a $2 stake. Do not bet more even if you are an experienced one. Starting with a low budget is always good.

Even if you lose, you will not lose higher amount, and once you bet less, the chance of winning and losing will not change! So, your chance of winning the bet is also possible.


Choose the Correct Horse That Can Bet On


So, choosing the correct horse to bet on is the most important thing that yon needs to do. There are lots of factors available. But two of the major compilation of factors is most important.

See, you need to know whether the horse has a previous experience in the running on the current track.



We know that the job of the horse is to run, but here the dust at the track, the mud at the track and several other points need to be considered.

While calculating the ability of the horse, these points matter. Another important point is the distance. Have you seen the horse crossing this certain distance before? If yes, then winning this race is also possible for this horse.


Know the Heath Condition of the Horse


The health of the horse matters and health of the jockey also mattered. You need to know whether the horse is perfectly alright. It is also essential that whether the horse is changing its distance.

There are races of different distances and some of the horse's tendon changing their tracks and winning distances. These horses win this type of competition.


Horse Racing Nap today


Sometimes some horses are shipped to run. That means they are imported from different places to take part in such competitions.

These horses have the urge to prove themselves, and that is why they run wonderfully. In most of the cases, if a horse is shipped and ran on a track that means it’s going to win the game.


Off-Track Time and Start Time of the Horse Should Be Known


If you want to know horse racing naps of the day and want to place a successful bet, you need to know the off-track time of the horse and for how many times it had a start. Off-track time means the time between two races.

The horse needs to rest properly to perform with his full might and full energy. So, the horse that took rest for 90 days max is the one that can win the race.



The horse needs 45 days proper rest to adjust itself with the demand of the race. The horse mustn’t have a start of more than 12 in past two years.

If the number of starts is less than 12, this horse has all the qualities to win the race. If the number is more than 12, it is not the winning horse no matter how alluring the prize money is!


Has the Horse Won at High Odds Before?


If the horse won at the high odds previously, then it certainly has a chance to win the high odds again. You need to know the statistics of the horse properly to choose the perfect race for it.

Suppose the horse has been a favorite for the betting experts and still it did not win any of the matches; this may be the turning point for the horse. But some horses are always overpriced.


Horse Racing Naps Day


These horses never win a match still they are favorite of the bookies. You need to stay away from these horses. Some horses that won lots of races in the past, but have not performed well in past few races.

These horses can return to the previous winning streak at any point. So, you need to keep an eye on these ‘dark horses,’ and you can easily bet on them.


Follow the Horse’s Exercise Routine


Some horses show early speed in their running. These horses tend to run fast and complete the distance within the minimum time.

So, this can be your horse of the race. Some horses though ran well and fast couldn’t complete the drill and stood a non-winner.

But if these horses cut their distance and run in the race, it will be a winner. So, you need to know the statistics well.

You need to have a clear view of what is the winning streak of the horse, and there are lots of other factors are also available. You need to follow the exercise of the horse as this helps you to know whether the horse is fit for the match!


Bet on Your Horse