Horse Racing Bonus

British Horse Racing Results

From flat racing to national hunt racing, from Winter Derby to Royal Ascot- the British horse racing is quite legendary on its own right, offering varieties and lineage at the same time.

If you are a first-time bettor and hell-bent on avoiding gambling blunders associated with horse racing, then this write-up is for you.

Apart from going through the below-mentioned points quickly, why don’t you visit the official site website of British horse racing board too? You are bound to collect more regulatory pieces from there.

The following suggestions are for any newbie in the British horse racing circle, which is still torn between acute fear of losing money and absolute desire to winning the game. Want to know how to eliminate your chances of losing? Read on.


How to Manage Your Money First?


If you are keen on gambling away to glory on British horse racing, be prepared to take a long road to learn the boring details of the sport.


british horse racing


But what can be the starting point of your quest? It should be – how to manage your money while betting. You first draw out your budget plan before placing a stake.

Once you are done with paying your financial obligations of the month, then only you must invest upon the horse racing. The ‘scared money’ is sacred and one must capitalize on it with better judgment.

Also, gambling on multiple races can lead to monetary loss irrevocably. Most of the punters, who lose out on the games, suffer from this malice. No one can deny the psychological effect of a thrilling race.

And sometimes, you will feel like being in the center of this unending loop of betting and winning/losing/recouping money. Learn to draw the limit.


Don’t Get Trapped by Seductive Tipsters


Tipping services in the UK are intertwined with the predictions of British horse racing results.


british horse racing results


If you don’t have any source of insider’s news or any friend who is an experienced bettor, then it’s natural enough to lean towards getting assistance from a tipping service. But like every other commercial service, this one also requires extensive research from your part.

Join first-time bettors’ clubs on social networking sites, attend horse race meeting and expand your network to get some tips on choosing the right tipster service. If you are not interested in going to that extent, then reviewing sites can come to your help.

If a tipping service agency’s website doesn’t contain any physical address or a landline no (but only a mail id), then beware of its authenticity. Shortlist minimum 5 agencies and do your research about them.

Once you start ringing them up one by one, you can gauge out much from asking some essential questions like the company’s track record, pricing system, and annual profit.


Look for Guarantees from Tipping Services


As mentioned in the above points, the British tipping service agencies are quite famous for their enticing advertisements. But don’t let them take advantage of your vulnerability.

It would have been better if British horse racing board had the power under its prerogative to instruct the tipping services to offer a money back guarantee.


british horse racing board


In the past years, the British horse racing industry had witnessed a handful of scams by fly-by-night tipping services. Don’t want to be duped out of your hard-earned cash? Look for written promises from the agency.

First, look for free trials. Also, make it sure to the agency that, once you go through the process of free trials and be satisfied with the outcome, then only you will pay it the sum. If the agency refuses the offer, then smell something ‘fishy’ about it and move on to next.


Don’t Get Swayed by Favorites


There are two serious rookies mistake the players make in general:

a) putting stakes on ‘too many’ favorites and

b) leaning towards the odds rather than the ponies.

We can discuss them one by one. When you bet on too many favorite horses at once, you somehow nurture a vague dream that you will finish ahead of the other punters. But in reality, it’s statistically proven that on an average, 3 out 10 favorite ponies end up as winners.

From that point onwards, you can very well calculate the possibility of your percentage profit.
On the other hand, many players become so much engrossed with British horse racing results that they show the unhealthy enthusiasm to bet against odds but not the potential of the horse.


british horse racing results odds


In most of the cases, they start off with deserving horse A, having 3/1 odds. But at the mid-way (with the sniff of losing), switch over to horse B with 6/1 odds, thinking that horse B will fetch them profit. But when at the end, the horse wins, they realize how irrational the fear was.


Get Your Hands Dirty a Lot


For a passionate gambler, attending a real horse racing match physically is the ultimate learning ground.



For a first timer, an important lesson about racing is that it is as much psychologically taxing as it is financially one.

At a race course, you will find many punters who are running behind that ‘elusive’ dream of winning thousands of dollars on a single day.

When one race finishes then, another starts almost next to it. So, if a player has lost money in the first race, he gets almost desperate to get it back in the next one. The result is a more monetary loss.

If you become a spectator of the game before betting, you will surely notice this trait among many. And from there, you should learn- never to emulate this mistake by yourself.

Putting your stake on every other race can only cause you heartbreak and a hole in your pocket. Why not invest that time in keeping records and taking informed decisions?

Horse racing is for adventure freaks and passionate players. But before you embark upon your journey of horse betting, do measure the odds of it. The bad gambling decisions sometimes stem out from mental stress and blackmailing effect.


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